Thursday, September 15, 2011

NASA discovers Tatooine

In a press conference today that included John Knoll, Visual Effects Supervisor from Industrial Light and Magic, NASA announced the discovery of a planet (named Kepler 16b) orbiting a binary star system.

This is the first time an exo planet has been found around such a system, and in a stable orbit!

While it may be a first for NASA, such a planetary system has long been imagined, and one of the first places something like this was seen by a large number of the public was in a little film called Star Wars.  The planet was Tatooine, home of Luke Skywalker.

Here is a NY Times article discussing the find (with animation).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No more MacBook

Apple has just taken the MacBook out of it's product line.  Now people have 5 choices of Appley goodness to choose from for their computing needs instead of 6.  Here's an article on Engadget about it.

Apple has also just updated the MacBook Air and Mac Mini, and released the new operating system, Lion.

Monday, July 18, 2011


I started "playing" the game MineCraft recently.  I put 'playing' in quotes because it's an open, sandbox kind of world, so you don't really play it.  Even so, it's pretty addicting.

Some friends of mine started playing on a closed server, so I thought I'd try it out.  It's cheap (about $20), so if it was as fun as they were saying, it would be worth it.  And it is.

The graphics appear to be quite crude.  All blocky, and whatnot.  But some of the interactions are quite sophisticated.  There's more than meets the eye, as it were.

And now I can't wait to get home and build a lava trap underneath my drawbridge to kill some monsters!  I guess I'm hooked.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 opened this weekend (July 15th) and has broken box office records.  It pulled in $168.55 million to top the previous record the Dark Knight had set by $10 million.  And adding in the foreign box office, Potter has taken in over $475 million.  That'll buy a lot of Butterbeers.

I saw the movie last night and liked it quite a bit.  I thought it was a good ending to the series.  Now the question is, will JK Rowling continue on with Harry's kids in some fashion?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

NetFlix is changing it's pricing plans

If you're a NetFlix subscriber, you should read this article on Engadget.  The short of it is, NetFlix is changing it's pricing plans starting August 1st.  So if, like me, you were subscribed to unlimited streaming and DVD's, your plan will go from $9.99 to $15.98 (on Sept 1st).  I never used streaming, so I'm switching to just DVD's, which will be $7.99.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Transfomers: Dark of the Moon

Did everyone go see the 3rd Transformers movie over the July 4th weekend?  Seems like most people did, if the box office numbers are anything to go by.

I gotta say the story is a bit of a mess.  There are some HUGE plot holes.  But if you can shut your mind off, it's a good summer popcorn flick.  And what's not to love about giant robot explodey action?  The effects are pretty good, too, if I do say so myself.  ;)

Oh, I saw it in glorious 2D, by the way.  I am not fond of the 3D fad, and even less fond of paying the larger ticket prices they charge for a 3D film.